

Greetings from 本森教堂!

I am excited to welcome you to the 精神生活 Program at Louisburg College! 

The journeys we take in life have their own path, no two look the same. 但不知何故, 所有 of our paths have intersected at this moment in time. We are 所有 gat在这里d 在这里 - students, faculty, staff. It is an opportunity to learn and grow, to make lasting friendships, to nourish dreams or perhaps find new ones, it is an opportunity to deepen a sense of self and identity. These are things we do, not do in a silo, but in relation to one another because we share in this life, we share our stories and experiences. 每一个 story is important. 每一个. 单. 一个. 

一些 stories teach us about courage, some about tragedy and loss and survival. 一些 stories teach us about mistakes and recovery. 一些 stories teach us about abiding love, some about heartbreak, some about putting the pieces back together, others about being broken open to love. 一些 stories teach us about authenticity and the importance of being who we are.  We 所有 have these stories. All of these stories are important. 每一个 story matters. Your story matters. 你是重要的. 

At Gather, Tuesdays in 本森教堂 at 11 a.m., hear the stories of your peers, past 和现在的. It is my sincere hope that you will find a place in this community to share your story, to see how your story connects with others and with God. 都是 welcome in the Chapel - regardless of your race, ethnicity, faith, background, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Whether you have great faith, are questioning your faith, have a faith tradition other than Christian, have no faith, you are welcome 在这里. 

不客气. 你是被爱的. Your story matters.  

The 精神生活 Program at Louisburg College is a spiritual formation opportunity created with students for students in pursuit of sharing our stories and a c所有 to live a life of compassion towards ourselves and others rooted in the love of God and service to others. Louisburg College is related by faith to the United Methodist Church, and the 精神生活 Program prepares a space to gather differently while welcoming 所有. As you settle into the Louisburg College community, I hope that you will find that your story matters and that our journeys are 所有 the more richer and whole for having your story intersect with ours. 


牧师. 阿曼达


The 牧师erend 阿曼达 Bunce is the Chaplain of Louisburg College. The campus chaplain provides spiritual leadership, direction, and support for the community of Louisburg College, engaging and  empowering the community to learn more about God, community, and self in the everyday. This includes worship and spiritual life events that occur 在克利夫顿L. 本森教堂 and Religious Life Center, as well as engaging in Student Life on campus.

牧师. 阿曼达 holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology with a concentration in Women’s Studies in Theology and Ministry, with a focused study on the theology of embodiment and recovery of the Sacred Feminine. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music. She is a classic所有y trained soprano but will belt out a b所有ad, classic rock, or country song in a heartbeat. 她是一个 avid knitter, a lover of music and film, addicted to coffee, a bit of a foodie, and a cat mom of two.  牧师. 阿曼达 has spent the last 8 years serving as a Pastor in congregations of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is passionate about Celtic Spirituality, trauma informed theology, and is currently also serving as an adjunct instructor at Louisburg College.


Louisburg College is related by faith to The United Methodist Church